Friday, August 19, 2011

Enjoying the Last Little Bit

I dropped by Em's house yesterday and she insisted on taking some pregnancy pictures.

Only a sister can make you think you look cute after working a full day at 38 weeks pregnant and feeling completely swollen and sweaty. Thank you Em - you are the best and I will treasure the documentation of George's gestation :)

Now that I'm over 38 weeks, I KNOW it won't be that long. So, I've sort of relaxed and stopped worrying so much about exactly when George arrive. As much as possible, I'm trying to enjoy these last days of Baby G's kicks and snuggles on the inside.

This pregnancy has been really wonderful from a mental/emotional and spiritual perspective. Jonathan and I have grown closer and the anticipation of expecting and planning for George has been wonderful.

HOWEVER......the physical aspect of the pregnancy has ranged from mildly to extremely uncomfortable. YUCK! The only part of the physical aspect of pregnancy that has been fun is feeling George kicking around (such a wonderful feeling) and having a totally legit reason for a chubby tummy :) The last few days, despite the discomfort, I've been trying to savor the good parts and I know I'll miss it when it's gone.

 Today has been wonderful. Jonathan was able to come home after morning clinic and I am off today. We have had such a fun time just hanging out together (especially since we both have to work this weekend).

Small disaster struck when I noticed a FLEA on PA!! Yikes!!! NOT acceptable.

Both pups got flea dipped and new flea medicine, plus complete bedding washing/spraying, etc. No fleas when Baby G comes! 

We are so enjoying these last few days as a family of 2 (4), but cannot WAIT to have our George here safely and officially be a family of 3 (5) :)

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