Saturday, September 3, 2011

Baby G's Birth Story and First Week (aka best week of our lives - so far :)

So, this took long enough! I have been so busy enjoying it, that I haven't wanted to take the time yet to record it. I know I will be so glad that I did later here goes. Warning: this is VERY LONG so please feel free to skim through and just take a peek at the pics :)

August 21st was my last pre-George shift in the ER. I was SO. HAPPY. I can't recall ever being quite that uncomfortable or tired. The next day was wonderful! Jonathan had a 1/2 day clinic so we had the morning and evening to spend together for our last pre-baby date (Jonathan snapped this pic before we went). We went out to a nice non-kid friendly dinner and then came home and he rubbed my feet for an hour while we watched a movie :)

On Tuesday (August 23rd) we checked into the hospital in the early evening and Cervadil was placed. The rest of the night was mildly uncomfortable with cramps and IV fluids causing about a million unhookings from monitors/trips to the restroom.

About 6:30 the next AM (Augusta 24th) Pitocin was started and a lovely contraction pattern was started...YAY! At 8:30 AM my OB broke my water. I went ahead and requested an epidural at this point, even though things weren't that uncomfortable (I suspected they might get that way soon). By 11AM when the Anesthesiologist arrived, I would say they were somewhat painful but more like bad cramps (not the super horrible pain that I had heard described, thank goodness!) The epidural was placed in about 5 minutes. Although slightly uncomfortable (pinchy) going in, was one of the most wonderful, wonderful, fabulous things I have ever experienced! All of the sudden, not only was the cramping gone, but the pelvic pressure and pain were immediately GONE! I felt SO GOOD I was giddy :) With the pain gone, I proceeded to do what I do best...nap :) I took two 2 hour naps, a 1 hour nap, and multiple small cat naps. I was so comfortable and rested after being so exhausted for the last few weeks, I didn't want to do anything except lie there and relax (with a big smile on my face :). During this time, poor Jonathan (who didn't have an epidural to relax him) was convinced that the baby's birth was imminent and was on high alert all day. With each check I think he thought it might be "time" and was appropriately nervous. In between these times he watched Top Shot (his new favorite show) on his computer and worried. Labor was slow and steady (but oh so comfortable) all day....and evening....and night. I truly didn't mind but I felt bad that so many people were waiting around and getting so tired. Finally, at 1:30 AM on the 25th I was complete! I woke up (a now VERY asleep) Jonathan and we started "practice pushing" for a little while. This was a long, long process! Gradually we made progress. (Again, I must note that I never felt ANY pain - only "pressure" and although it was mildly uncomfortable, and pushing is also uncomfortable, it wasn't bad!) Baby G never had any decels or any indication of hypoxia, but about 30 minutes before he was born I could hear him getting tachycardic on the monitor and he had some terminal meconium so I knew he needed out! We gave it all we had and he was born at 3:54AM (about 21.5 hours of labor and 2.5 of pushing). My OB suctioned him initially and I could see she wasn't getting out meconium (just clear secretions) which was a huge relief, but he was definitely depressed and floppy....not really into the breathing thing.

The NNP had been called since there was meconium so it was nice that she was already there to help him out! She gave some CPAP and he got pink immediately, but still not into the breathing thing :( SO, to the NICU he went, accompanied by his daddy and Grandpa Ashford (my mom stayed with me while I got stitched up and recovered).

Before he left, they brought him over to me for a hello-goodbye kiss. This was one of those moments that will be branded so strongly in my memory forever....I can remember every single thing about those 20 seconds - the way he smelled, how he looked (eyes open looking straight at me, brow slightly furrowed - he still gives me the same look now), soft skin...I cry EVERY time I remember it :)

After 2 hours of recovery (and epidural turned off...ouch), I was able to stand up and sit in a wheelchair. Our first stop before we went to my postpartum room was the NICU (sweetest L&D nurse ever!) This was the first time I got to see all of him and touch his sweet little arms, legs, and tummy. So perfect. 

His admission ABG was pretty icky with a metabolic acidosis (bicarb of 9!) but well compensated and no evidence of hypoxia. Probably the lactic acidosis was from some distress during that last part of labor (as evidenced by the meconium and tachycardia AND his super bruised head/face!). I am so, so glad that we decided to go ahead and induce him. I think if we had waited another week or two, labor would have been longer and he would have had more compromise or I would have ended up with a c-section.

After 4 hours on CPAP, he had a totally normal blood gas and was taken off CPAP. YAY!!!!! Let me briefly insert here, that although I think that George received wonderful care from very qualified and skilled providers (so grateful for that!), I never thought I would LONG for MCG's "patient and family centered care" policies!!! As the provider, these policies could be a pain, but being on the other side, they are oh-so-important!!! At UH NICU, they have about 6 hours during the day (2 hours twice for nurse shift change and 2 hours for physician rounds) when the nursery is  "closed"! I couldn't believe it! So...after he got his CPAP off, the nursery "closed" and then he was given a bath and had to warm up again....

This was the first time I held him - almost 13 hours after he was born! I was frustrated with how long it took, but this was the SWEETEST possible feeling in the whole entire world. I was going absolutely CRAZY not being able to hold and cuddle my sweet baby and this felt better than you can possibly imagine. 

Another frustration with NICU - limit 2 person visitation (which I do understand, but really...). My parents really wanted to go see him before they left to go back to Athens and of course I really wanted to go in with them, so I had to beg to allow the 3 of us at the same time....and Jonathan wasn't there for this {tears}. 

After I held him, my mom and dad took a quick turn falling in love with their little grandson.

My parents left and then Jonathan and I got some time to spend just the two of us with sweet George. Watching Jonathan hold his little son for the first time was beautiful (I can't for the life of me find those pictures at the moment, but they are some of the sweetest ones imprinted in my memory). About 1:30PM I got to nurse him for the first time....amazing! He was such a good little eater and it was such a precious moment.

Next Oma came to visit. So sweet :) Pop Pop and Grammy as well as Dan and Amy came later to visit George in the NICU but I didn't have my camera for those (although they did I think). Sorry guys!

Because George had to be on IV antibiotics, he had to stay in the NICU (well baby doesn't do IV's at UH) :( This meant I had to make the trek to the NICU from my postpartum room every 2 hours through the night and the next day to feed him. Other than not anticipating this and not having brought appropriate "walking the halls" attire, I didn't was so hard to be away from him anyway! More than anything, I think his time in the NICU served to make me so, so grateful. I was humbled and felt so blessed to be visiting my big, term, healthy baby boy. The babies around him were either ex-20 something weekers, or had some other major problems (little one next to him got an ECHO and went for several other scans while we were there).

On the 26th at about 5PM (with a 36 hour negative blood culture), Baby G was finally discharged from the NICU to the regular nursery and could come stay in my room!!!!!

We finally got to get him out of his "hospital clothes" and into some nice, soft real clothes :)

That night Aunt Em (sorry Em couldn't find the picture) and Uncle James came to visit. They fell in love and the feeling was totally mutual.

Uncle James brought pizza and later Oma and Papa Rudy came with some yummy brownies and lots of love and hugs for George.

The next day, August 27th, we were finally discharged! What an AMAZING feeling to be taking home our little dream come true :)

This was his coming home outfit and he really liked the hat I think :)

We were finally home and SO glad!

We spent the next 48 hours just feeding, cuddling, and admiring our new addition.

We had LOTS and LOTS of sweet visitors who brought much delicious food. (Thanks all :) I have whole other sets of pics of those that I'll post later on because they would take a whole post themselves with all the sweet first-meetings.

Most people think their baby is pretty cute. We are no exception. BUT....I will maintain that Baby George is one of the very BEST behaved babies I've ever encountered. He DOES NOT cry! Ever. (Unless provoked as below - haha :) He is peaceful and content. He nurses like a champ and loves to look around calmly when he's awake. At night time we can put him down in between his feeds, and even if he's wide awake, he lies there quietly sucking on his pacifier. Around big, noisy crowds and being passed around like a hot potato, he just sleeps. What did we do to get this lucky? I don't know, but I really, really hope he stays this way :)

Probably due to breastfeeding and all the hematomas he had from his birth, we did have a case of cheese-ball baby at about 5 days!

Bili was 18 which is marginal, but we decided to do a bill bed anyway. He liked it ok.

First bath!!!!

Not so bad....

Or maybe it is :))) (Of note, he has liked baths since this time....I think he may be a 2-3 shower per day kind of guy like his mom :)

Such a clean baby (and mama) :)

Back on the Bili Bed for the last few hours.

At 6 days we went for his first doctors appointment. He was so excited about his first outing!

Having his daddy there was very reassuring.

We are so lucky that Jonathan has been able to be around for this week of firsts :))

We love you Baby G!

7 lbs 10 oz!!! Only 5 oz down from birth weight and same as discharge weight! I was such a proud mama :) His checkup was we suspected...he is practically perfect in every way :) If you've made it to the end of must be his grandma :) Hopefully I will post a little more frequently instead of these marathons but it's just so tempting to sit and stare instead. Thank you everybody for the sweet well wishes and prayers for our new little one! We love you and can't wait for George to get to know ALL of you!


Anonymous said...

He is absolutely a beautiful baby boy!!! Congrats to you thankful he is doing so well. I can't wait until this coming Thurs. to (hopefully) find out out the sex of our grandbaby #7. Susan sent me the link to your blog and I enjoyed reading it bunches. By the way I did read to the end.

Blessings to you and your precious little one.

Love ya,
"Aunt" Nancy Ward

aseema said...

He is adorable baby. Congratulations both for making such good parents and god bless!!
I am not his grandma but read it all.
Was a good walk through. Recalled everything happened to me with bushra. It is 5 yrs now but I still remember it all. Will see how long it stays.

Alisa said...

Don and I just read EVERY word! We are so so sooooo happy and excited for you and J!
Some of the pictures do not "show up" on my computer ;( however I would love to see any and all you have :)
Maybe even start a web album for his frist year.....hint hint...."aunts" like me are loving the pics and updates :)

He is absolutely AMAZING!!!

Lots of love always!!!


Lauren said...

Beautiful stories and pictures! So happy for you guys.