Tuesday, September 27, 2011

George's First Month - Part 2

(I actually wrote the last post 1 week ago but somehow didn't publish it...oops!)
So our little guy is a month old now! WOW time flies!!!!

He continues to gain weight SO well....he is up 3 lbs 4 oz from his birth weight!

He (objectively of course) keeps getting cuter and has the most smooch-able little feet:)

He's such a good napper!

Pippi Amanda LOVES her little brother and makes sure to keep him company during his naps (but one eye open to make sure he doesn't get into any mischief :)

I finally broke down and took a picture of myself with the bambino. This is not a great picture of me, but I want George to know that I DID hold him as an infant! I was there!

My sleeping babies :)

One of my very favorite things is fat cheeked babies....and George definitely qualifies! Ha!

I am loving every single minute of "maternity leave!"

I made my schedule for October today. I feel so conflicted! I love work and I'm looking forward to going back....sort of. But then when you get to spend time with your favorite little person all day, that's pretty great too.

We've hired a really great, really sweet nanny so that makes me feel better. BUT I think the biggest comfort is that a lot of nights that I work these guys will get to hang out together and have "man time" :)

George already LOVES his Dad.

After Jonathan gets home from work, I have to pry George away for night time cuddling because they like to be together so much.

They like to watch TV shows...especially Iron Chef America and Chopped.

George is gleaning tips so that he will be a great cook like his dad.

I see SO much of Jonathan in George, even as young as he is.

I wonder if I will start seeing myself? Some times a catch little glimmers of my expressions, but I think it's rare.

That's ok though. I married Jonathan because I think he's SO handsome, and now I have 2 of him so that's double lucky. Haha :)

I REALLY wish I had a better camera! Mine is so old....I have picked out a new one I want, but it may have to wait until Christmas, $$$.

One of the main disappointments with the current camera is the lighting and focus (or maybe it's the user). George has the MOST beautiful blue eyes, but they always look so dark in these pictures!

Maybe because I take so many at night after Jonathan gets home and I have to use the flash.

We will try getting some in the day time soon and see if that works!

Next week George and I will be joining my parents (and Coley relatives, yay!) at the beach! The only sad part is that Jonathan won't be able to go :( We will miss him so much but it will be a wonderful break from Vineland and give us some new scenery as we nurse and change myriad diapers :) There will also be lots of fun, fresh people to love on our little Baby G!

George, you have made your daddy's and my past month one of the most exciting and special of our lives and we adore you more than words can express. You have already grown SO much and I'm trying not to be sentimental about it. We absolutely can't wait to watch you grow during the coming months!

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