Saturday, October 29, 2011

Second Month as Family of Three

My Dear Baby George,
     Happy 2 month birthday my sweet angel!!!! I know this post is a little late (actually a lot late if you take into account that I've meant to blog weekly :), but we've been having so much fun and you have filled up so much of our time with your sweet little self!

This month has been one if incredible change and growth for you!

Almost daily you have become more alert and aware of your surroundings. You now look directly into our eyes and recognize your Mommy and Daddy which makes us OH so happy :)

You are still SUCH a good baby and we can take you most anywhere at this point. We really enjoy dressing you up!

You are quite the stylish baby and even have a nice selection of snazzy footwear, ha ha :))

It may be short lived as you become more active, but we are enjoying your portable phase while it lasts. Here you are in a restaurant booth being so polite. (Note: as you grow to know your Dad better, you will understand why you are only allowed to sit in a BOOTH, not one of the "precarious" high chairs holders, on the inside, next to HIM....and he tries to claim I'm over-protective :))

At this point my sweet heart, you are QUITE the eater! For the first part of this month, you were eating every 3 hours on the DOT! Here we are cuddling one very early morning as you digest your 2AM pre-pre-breakfast :)

Tiring, it's true, but these were some of my very favorite and special moments with you. I could watch you sleep for hours and try SO hard to memorize your sweet little face because I already see you changing so rapidly!

Between about 6-8 weeks, you started sleeping long stretches - between 6 to 7 hours per night, and a part of me (the non-tired part) really misses those early morning cuddles with you.

You also nap pretty well (although since I'm working lots of nights and can't take advantage of those 7 hour stretches at night, I kind of wish you would sleep more in the day time :).

You have the prettiest little lips, and I LOVE to watch you smile and giggle in your sleep! What in the world can a 6 week old have to dream about that is so funny, huh?

When you were 6 weeks old, I had to go back to work. Although I really, really love work, I will NEVER love it a fraction as much as my sweet little baby G :) I've been wearing regular clothes again (instead of pajamas/nightgowns) which is probably good, but I still love to get back into them when I get home from work (after washing off the ER germs) and snuggle with you some before bed.

I'm not the only one who is completely enamored with you!

You Daddy thinks you hung the moon and LOVES to take care of you. One of the best parts of me going back to work is that now he gets to spend lots of one-on-one time with you in the evenings.

Even though he won't readily admit it, I'm pretty sure he's watching X-men cartoons with you every night while you eat your dinner bottle. It's ok though. He's been wanting a little son to watch cartoons with for a looong time :)

You guys are such big buddies already!

Everyone thinks you look more and more like you Daddy, which you do....

But there IS a little of your mommy in there too, especially in your eyes when you're excited or concerned.

The only problem with taking pictures of you,

is that you're so cute that I take a million, and

I can't stand to delete a single one!!!

Each picture is so special to me. As I look back through the ones from the beginning of the month, I see how much you've changed already!

You are so expressive and each picture (these are only a smattering believe it or not :) captures a unique little part of you.

I LOVE your little lanky arms and legs! I love that they're getting more chubby and starting to get more dimples. Precious.

When you were born you had a fair amount of soft, brown, fussy hair. One day, around 4-5 weeks this began to abruptly shed in a "male pattern baldness" fashion! Yikes! Little hairs were everywhere and within a matter of days, you were totally bald except for a rim right at the back :)

Here is what your sweet head looked during the shedding period. (Don't worry, though, it grew back fast!)

You love getting your diaper changed, and this was one of the very first times that you actually smiled and laughed AT me, on purpose (social smile, yay for meeting your milestones!) Note the cute onsie that your sweet "Aunt" Nancy and "Uncle" Staples had made for you, ha ha :)

I do wonder what you will be like when you're older. Not necessarily what kind of career you will have, but what kind of person you will be.

I can already see that you will have a serious, contemplative side, but still like smile and are very friendly. You are incredibly laid-back so we'll see if you stay that way. (Although I'm not really holding my breath on that one since it isn't really a family trait, ha!)

You can sleep ANYWHERE, and this skill you definitely inherited from your dad!

So precious! I have this picture on my phone, and when I've gotten sad or lonely for you at work this month, I look at this picture. Such sweet little lips and roly poly arms :)

Your daddy was on elective for part of this month and had to study for a test. I got home several nights and you were being such a good study buddy!

Some of the content may have been a little advanced, but it didn't seem to phase you.

Mostly, I think you just really enjoyed the cuddles with your favorite dad :)

And your (tired) daddy enjoyed them every bit as much as you did.

Sleeping angel baby!

Your hands are so perfect, and so BIG! You're like a puppy with big paws. We visited with one of your little friends the other day who is 7 months old and your hands were bigger than hers at 7 weeks!

You still love to hang out in your, was that thing a good investment!

Precious piggies, but maybe a little dirty between the toes. Oh well, you're a little boy so I guess I should get used to it :) The other day, you somehow had sticky hands! At 2 months old, how do you get sticky hands??

We've done several fun events this month, and your daddy's class soft ball game at Lake Olmstead was one of them. Your dad was SO proud to show you off!!!

It was a beautiful October day so we took a long walk by the lake.

You were in full support of our home team - the Bulldogs! (Again, thank you to Aunt Nancy for the patriotic outfit :).

You were obviously fed up with me trying to take some many pictures of you - "Oh MOM, this is so boring" :)

Such a lovely day.

You want to suck your thumb, and try often, but don't quite have the hang of it yet and this is how it looks when you finally get your fingers organized :)

One of my favorite of your expressions is your satisfied face. You are completely milk-drunk and comfortable in this picture. I feed you and was walking out the door to work. I was telling you goodbye and you were playing 'possum with your eyes half-closed :) Such a good image to have in my mind as I left!

You are SUCH a lucky little boy that you have so many grandparents and aunts and uncles that love you!!!! Uncle James and Aunt Emily live so close that they come see you a lot. We also made several trips to Athens, Aiken, and Atlanta to see your family and friends this month (fantastic pictures of these trips do exist and I need to make a whole separate post for them). Uncle James loves you so much and comes over to hold you quite a bit!

Your personality as a baby actually reminds me SO much of him when he was a baby! You were both laid back and very cuddly, good babies.

You continue to LOVE bath time (thank goodness!)

I have so much fun giving you your bath, that I'm stingy and give you all your baths myself.

You get so exciting and have started learning to splash which gets everything soaking wet :) I can't believe how long you're getting!!! You will outgrow your tub soon!

My very favorite thing so far is your smile.

I LOVE making you smile!!!

Cutest little profile I've ever seen.

You smile so well for me....

But it's so obvious how much you already admire your dad.

I love to see you two interact.

And the only thing better than cuddling you myself is seeing you two cuddle :)

I was really sick on the day that you had your 2 month check up.

So, your daddy came home early from work and took you by himself.

Here is the picture he took of you in the exam room. (I was so upset that I didn't get to go that he had to PROMISE to make your picture).

You have grown SO MUCH!!!!! You were born an average weight and length, but at your two month check up you weighed 13 lbs 13 oz (a 5 lb, 14 oz gain, 90-95th percentile), and 25 inches long (a 4.5 inch gain, greater than 97th percentile)! No wonder you are so hungry all the time!

You did SO well with your shots and only cried a little bit. When you got back home you were back to your smiley self :)

So, this month has been incredibly special. I hope I can look back and remember all the sweet details, but if not, will look back and have this blog post and the (hundreds) of pictures to remind me. These will be some of my favorite times to remember, but I can't wait to see what the next months hold for us. Lots of fun times I'm pretty sure!

All my love,
Your Mommy

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