Monday, August 8, 2011

Twiddling Thumbs and Weekend Update

So, basically everything's done and we're just WAITING! The last 3 days my lower back has been quite painful....I had been resisting "pregnancy waddle" up to now but that's no longer an option :). At least Jonathan has been around to pry me off the sofa and occasionally walk me to the bathroom in the middle of the night when it's particularly sore. (How in the world do people do this without a husband???)

I'm working ER shifts until the 21st (39 weeks) and although it takes every ounce will power I posess to pry myself out of bed, but at least it gives me something to do besides sit home and be anxious. Today is the first day of school in Columbia and Richmond Counties so the ER is awesomely quiet (child-wise) which suits me perfectly. Usually after the kids have been together for about 2 weeks, enough to innoculate each other with all their germs, things pick up rapidly and continue on through the fall/winter.

This weekend was lots of fun and flew by! Saturday morning Jonathan woke me up before work with a gorgeous brunch of challa bread french toast topped with sliced strawberries, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream accompanied by the most delicious homemade iced mocha. YUM! After I got home from work he had made delicious dinner and we had Emily, Nick, and James over. So much fun visiting with them and showing off the nursery and cute baby stuff  :) After dinner we went to the Greenjackets (minor league) baseball game. It was actually quite fun and thankfully not that hot! The baseball game was entertaining but by far the best part was getting to see the fireworks from the nearby Kroc Center grand opening! What a beautiful show! It was especially fun because Jonathan and I missed July 4th fireworks this year since we were working and I LOVE fireworks!!!

Sunday I could literally not walk, so after another delicious Jonathan-cooked breakfast, we watched our wonderful church on TV. I LOVE Trinity!!! I missed being there so much for the Camp Meeting and Love Unlimited Choir performances in person. They do SUCH a good job and it's such a sweet, sweet thing to see so many older teens so enjoying being in a church choir. The rest of Sunday was spent in a reclining position (at least on my part) watching movies and relaxing. Jonathan did laundry, grocery shopped, and again stuffed me with a delicious home-made dinner with dessert of icecream and a nice foot/leg rub :) Is he perfect? Maybe :)

We have so much fun discussing George and what he will be like. We can't wait for him to be in our arms but we are really enjoying our last little bit of time just the two of us until he is born!

On a baby-gift related side note, my friend Alisa (who is one of the best gift-givers ever!) sent me this awesome baby's first year calendar with such cute stickers! It is a fabulous alternative/supplement to a baby book, and Jonathan has already claimed it to keep for George :)

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