Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jonathan's home for the Holidays :-)

So my sweetie's home!! It sounds like they had an amazing trip. The only thing that I was disappointed about it was that he didn't take more pictures :-( I guess he really does need me after all :-) Above are some pics from the trip with my brothers and Alex's girlfriend Amanda and her twin sister Lauren. Apparently there was fresh powder the entire trip. FUN!
I LOVE being off for the holidays!!! Even though it's satisfying, I get so tired working so many hours....then being home during the day and going shopping and just spending the entire day hanging out with just Jonathan and doing whatever we want....well it just feels like heaven :-)) I know I will be totally bored and stir-crazy after a week of this as always, but the initial feeling is simply unbeatable.
I other news, I simply couldn't wait to open my presents when Jonathan got home (typical for me I guess). I wrapped up in my soft, pre-heated electric blanket (a present from a Christmas past), and Jonathan presented me with: my favorite perfume (Dolce and Gabanna's Light Blue), the AMAZING Planet Earth DVD set which I have absolutely coveted, and finally, a 16 place setting set of flatware from Horchow that I have wanted for a year!!! (It's Napoleon Bee by Wallace and MUCH prettier in person!) He is such an amazing hubbie :-) My presents to him seemed to go over well but you'll just have to ask him :-))
The shih tzus enjoyed the festivities as well and were incredibly happy to have their daddy home safely.
We look forward to seeing a lot of you very soon!
PS: I'll put some more of the same on the web album as well as the pics from the rest of the holiday

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