Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The exciting events of October 27th

CONGRATULATIONS to two of my favorite people in the world!!!!
Alisa Stone officially became Alisa Stone Herring in one of the most beautiful ceremonies I've ever attended. Jonathan and I had a weekend of fabulousness at their big event in Eufala Alabama. The Stones reserved the beautiful Candlelight Inn for Alisa and her bridesmaids (including me :-) for the weekend. We had a marvelous time at the rehersal dinner at Fendall Hall, followed by amazing wedding at the old Presbyterian Church in Eufala, and then culminated by the reception and post-wedding brunch at the Shorter Mansion. In addition to this picture of the lovely bride, everyone please look at the pictures on our online album! They are fantastic.

Julia and Andy Fisher gave birth to the beautiful Lydia Grace Fisher On October 28th at 10PM. She weighed just under 9 lbs and is so healthy :-) I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be an honorary aunt to this new little bundle of preciousness! It's killing me not to be there to welcome her, but I hope to keep in touch with LOTS of pictures (hint hint Julia :-) I am making her a very special gift and when I finish it I will post a picture. It's almost done and now that I know the lovely name I can complete it.

1 comment:

Andy and Julia said...

You are the sweetest to put us up on your blog! You are most DEFINITELY the honorary aunt and I so can wait for Miss Lydia to get to meet you!!! Thank you so much for all your sweet calls and messages...I miss you!!!:):) Lots of love from California!!!