So Jonathan made it through 2 months of surgery!!! And relatively unscathed at that. He actually really enjoyed it but doesn't think he would like to be a surgeon (thank goodness!). Starting tomorrow...or I guess today actually, he will be starting his Heme/Onc elective at a private practice at Ft. Gordon. He's super excited and it will be interesting to see if he likes it enough to pursue it as a career.
In addition, I must say that Jonathan is the most marvelous husband in the universe (sorry ladies, but I really do believe this). On Saturday he took the dogs and himself to get hair cuts, cleaned the house, grocery shopped, and cooked an amazing mexican feast for my intern class...ALL by himself since I worked until 6PM and everyone came at 7! We had SO MUCH FUN!!! I loved having you guys! I lighted lots of candles and we at inside and outside and the little tykes had so much fun playing with the Shih tzus :-) Quite entertaining!!
In other news, I am wrapping up my ER month. I have really enjoyed it but it does have its challenges. I've had to get used to going to bed MUCH later (as you see by the time of this post) since I get home a lot of nights around 2-3 AM. I've learned a tremendous amount though and done lots and lots of procedures. I feel comfortable suturing pretty much any lac now. This evening I had a 22 month old come in who had bitten her tongue in two. I was drenched with sweat by the end, but the result looked really good :-) I think that may be the hardest thing I ever have to sew up though...even though she was sedated she was still was like trying to sew a slippery little worm in a small hole that kept moving using buried stitches! Anyway, I've really enjoyed it and am looking forward to next month in the newborn nursery. Enjoy the dinner club pics (sorry I only got a few people, but the babies were the most cute :-)
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