Saturday, April 12, 2008

"Spring Break"

So as many of you know, I just barely made it through the last 2 months...well mostly last month. I was on peds heme/onc and I don't think I've ever been that emotionally or physically drained by an experience! I guess it's because I didn't go into peds thinking about working with dying children. Granted, some of those little guys will get better, but seeing a person (especially a child's) last days is one of the most unbelievably difficult things I've ever had to see or to participate in. Those little suffering faces brought tears to my eyes every morning, but I don't think it was the kids though as much as their parents that tore at my heart every day. I will carry images of some of their faces seared into my memory forever. March was as difficult as I can imagine any work experience being (emotionally as well as physically -- so far it's my first 95 hour 6-day work week), but I am intensely grateful for it. Now that I'm slightly more rested, I can look back and say that I am so very much better as a physician and as a Christian for having had that experience.
On another, happier note, this week I am on "Spring Break" during Masters week in Augusta. Jonathan has this week off as well, and we are in Athens. So far our schedule has been chock-full of sleeping, naps, more naps, and eating yummy food :-) It has been so fun to spend time with the family, especially Philip who has Spring Break this week too. We also got to participate in Emily and James' Birthday celebrations as well as see Jenn! Also, by the way, I have become a Guitar Hero Master (at least on medium :-) I'm finally feeling almost back to normal now!
Jonathan had a good break as well. We went to Cornelia to visit his grandmother and aunt, uncle and cousins and had a great time! (His Uncle Kim makes faaaantastic nacho chicken btw :-) He is in Moultrie, GA for his 6 wk Family Medicine rotation so he will head back there tomorrow and I will be heading back to Augusta. We did rent out our house this year, so I'm hoping that when we get back it will be perfectly clean the way I left it :-)
Esteban, Stanly and Pippi Amanda have enjoyed their stay in Athens. They really love their cousins Charley and Jackson and playing around the lake. They also have enjoyed having very dirty paws.
One other super, super happy note is that my favorite tall blond on the planet and her perfect little family are moving back to Atlanta!!!!! Julia, Andy, and Lydia, words can't express how happy we are that you are moving you will have to tolerate very, very frequent house guests :-)
PS: I'll post some pics on Facebook and our WebAlbum

1 comment:

Andy and Julia said...

Awwww! You are the sweetest!!!!;);) YES, you better be getting our guest room broken in SUPER often!!!;) I am sooo excited about being closer to you - Gosh I've missed you!!!