Monday, February 25, 2008

Routine stuff

So it's a little bit ridiculous how long it's been since my last post. Between that time and this I have had strep throat and several other upper respiratory infections complete with cough, runny nose, and fever, so there's my excuse :-) I have been on the floor this month and have been a little tired. It's so much better now though...I feel so much more confident than I did last September so it's a lot more fun and call is still stressful but in a different way. I'm also pretty tired...tonight I fell asleep during a dictation that I was doing from home and was partially woken up by Jenn calling. I talked complete gibberish to her for a few minutes about a patient until she said "'s Jenn....are you asleep??" Hehehe :-) I love my friends.
Jonathan is on OB/GYN right now. It doesn't seem to be his thing. I think as long as he knows the general idea of how do deliver a baby in an emergency he will be happy. It's a fantastic schedule though and we're really enjoying that part.
The shih tzus are doing really well...Pippi Amanda really enjoyed seeing her grandparents and canine cousins this past weekend. Esteban and Stanley are looking forward to the prospect of getting a basket for my bike so they can ride with us. (Our new favorite activity is riding our bikes). They think this would be a good "Friday surprise."
Jonathan's calling me to go to bed since I'm on call tomorrow, which is probably wise. I love you all so much and I'll try to write another blog soon. Hugs and Kisses!!

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