Friday, March 16, 2012


Sweetest Baby G,

     You will learn as time goes on that although your mommy has some fairly good qualities, journaling and BLOGGING are not among them! This was meant to be a weekly, then at least monthly update of your life to be compiled later into a baby book, and......oh well! One of my problems has been that as I get further and further behind, it becomes harder and harder to catch up, especially with the millions of beautiful pictures of your sweet self that we've made. So after trying unsuccessfully to load quite a few onto "Blogger" and then blog with pics, I've decided load them onto Picasa and link to them. Easy peasy and then I can just put a "few" of my many favorites for perusal by your grandmothers and great-grandmother (i.e. your fan club) as well as other sweet relatives and friends :)
     SO....when last I blogged you were only 2 months old!!! At 8-9 weeks you started sleeping through the night 12-13 hrs all by yourself and have continued to do so every night since then (except for two nights when you woke up because you were sick)! What a STAR!!! I'm pretty sure your daddy and I had nothing whatsoever to do with this development. Both your dad's and my schedules since I started back to work have been chaotic to say the least, working all kinds of crazy and odd hours, so I think you just found a nice little schedule that works for you and stick right to it. Regularity and affinity for routine seem to be part of your little personality. (We will see how long that lasts, ha!)
    During your third and fourth months, you started to really "wake up" and take notice of your surroundings. You were so CUTE trying to swivel your little bobble head to look at everything going on around you and by Christmas you were quite good at it!
     We had a wonderful, fast paced Christmas season this year! Last year we found out we were expecting you on December 23rd and having you with us this year was a blessing beyond our wildest dreams!!! To say you were loved, cherished, and THOROUGHLY enjoyed by your family this year would be quite the understatement :) We had such fun in the days leading up to Christmas dressing you up and decorating the house. You have a lovely little stocking that Santa brought you, filled with all sorts of cute things that you were too little to play with (except your musical Christmas Puppy, who still sleeps in your crib and plays with you every day). You had such fun tearing paper off of your presents and desperately wanted to taste all of that pretty wrapping! Santa had so much fun :) Then Christmas Eve, we went to Oma and Papa Ru's house and had a wonderful Lawson/Ward celebration with such wonderful family. Christmas Day we went to Athens for another incredibly fun visit and your FIRST visit with Uncle William and Aunt Kalen! You loved them immediately :) Your Aunt Em and all your uncles and most especially your grandparents doted on you and you were lavished with more love than you can possibly imagine. Several days after Christmas we went Aiken to see your Pop Pop and Grammy and you so enjoyed seeing them so, so much! Whew!
     Daddy and I spent the month of January (your fifth month) recovering (and working....lots) :) YOU spent January learning to roll over and sit up really well with a little help, then by yourself! I worked lots of ER and Aiken L&D shifts and Daddy was on night float the whole month, but you were our little prize waiting for us at the end of the day. We raced home as fast as we could and just gobbled up every second with you! On our work days, you had such FUN with sweet Miss Erin! She loves-loves-loves you and takes you on walks almost every day. You play and take baths and eat lots and lots of milk! On "mommy days," you and I hang out every single second (except for sometimes when sweet Oma comes to let mommy run much needed errands). You receive your daily quota of 1,000+ smooches per day. We love to play in your pretty room with all your toys. Some days we don't even get out of our comfy pajamas which is so incredibly fun! (We don't tell daddy that though :). This month we started trying to feed you various baby cereals and foods with little to no success. ALL you want is lots of mommy milk. So be it :)
      Ever since we have put you in a regular (not "baby") car seat and you have acquired "car bear," a little brown monkey holding an I Love You heart that you love to pieces, you have started being a good little car seat rider and we can go places! You still nap several times per day so these have to be little short trips but they are lots of fun. Your favorite places are Target and Grandma's house :)
     During February (month six), we also had a looooong hard work month with mommy working lots and Daddy on night float and ICU! We DID however, have a lovely and restful trip just the 3 of us to the Blue Ridge mountains. We rented a beautiful cabin overlooking the lake and just spent an entire week being our sweet family of three. We went on pretty walks, put together puzzles, read by the fire, soaked in the hot tub (during your naps :), ate yummy things (even at some lovely restaurants during which you were very good), and generally just relaxed. Perfect. Such a nice little break!
     March (your seventh, and the current month) has been busy so far with daddy on Cardiology/ICU/night float (but the last one!!!!). You and I had a WONDERFUL 4 day visit to Athens to see your Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Philip. Aunt Julia, Lydia, Drew, and Baby Rhett also came to visit for several days (while Uncle Andy was circumventing the world) and we had an absolutely fabulous time together while the daddies worked!!! Next time though, we want the daddies to be there too :) We had a lovely afternoon at the state botanical gardens and made super duper cute pictures of our little guys! What a photogenic bunch!! You were so VERY impressed with Drew and all of his exciting antics and quite captivated by beautiful Lydia. You did get a runny nose though and all our plans for you to play with little Rhett had to be put on hold so he didn't get your virus! You did have lots of fun looking at each other though and I can already tell you are going to be the very BEST of friends. The day after the Fisher clan left, we went for your first trip to the Ashford Farm. We had a delicious picnic and your "ate" an apple slice and carrot stick. You had SUCH a fun time riding around on Grandpa's back and looking at all the pretty horses and the lovely farm!
     For the last 2 weeks, you have been rolling and scooting around like crazy! It's incredible how mobile you are without being able to crawl! I left you on your floor with some (safe) toys for 3-4 minutes the other day and came back to find you already in the HALLWAY outside your room! YIKES! You are also gradually warming up to the idea of non-milk foods. Mostly you just gum raw carrots and apples. You are not so much a fan of the mushy stuff so we're just going with it since your iron levels were so good at your 6 month check up and you are off the charts for height and right at the very top for weight!
     You are so cute!!! People probably get absolutely sick of hearing me say it, but I only say it a fraction of the times I think it :))) It's so exciting to see you develop and grow and learn! In a way though, I would love you to stay exactly this way forever - my perfect little angel :) I have a feeling you won't always be this easy! Ha!
    Alright......I will TRY to do this more often, but if not, accept that I'm not perfect and just doing my best, as I hope you will learn to do one day. Know that you are so adored and cherished despite the infrequency of my written accounts of your babyhood. Hopefully you will be able to look back at the one million pictures I've taken of you and know how much :)

All my heart,

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