I haven't updated in a while because we've been in an absolute rat race! Q4 call isn't for sissies!! I don't think I've ever been quite as tired as I am at the end of this month. Cardiology has been extraordinarily hectic and general wards have been overflowing. I have admitted over 10 patients on average on my call nights (read: no sleep, frantic activity for 30hrs straight without a break). There are bright spots. I still absolutely adore my little patients...they're the only thing that makes it see worthwhile after the 28th hour of work :-) We also had a really good time at Resident Retreat in Hilton Head. I LOVE MY FELLOW INTERNS! They are all amazing and we had such a fun time :-) I'll post some of the fantastic pics we have from the weekend when I can get them from Alan.
Jonathan has had a very hectic month as well. He has finished his first month of surgery and is officially 1/4 done with 3rd year!!! Hard to believe! It seems like it just started. He has many interesting stories and has done an amazing job :-) I'm so proud!!!
The shih tzus all have dirty hair. They haven't been washed in at least 2 weeks and they are all getting pretty self-conscious about how they smell. I don't blame them. They need a bath ASAP. Otherwise they are fine and enjoying the cooler weather. Later this fall I am planning to take them to have glamour shots done by a local photographer, so keep your eyes peeled!
We love you all SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we're being such recluses these last few months, but hopefully it will be better and we'll see you all soon.
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