Monday, August 20, 2007

End of the month update

SO...this is a little out of date. Things have been zipping right along for the last few weeks since I updated the blog. I've gotten into the swing of things and am really starting to feel like I know something (even if it's just a little bit). I no longer panic in the middle of the night about what dose of Tylenol to give :-) It's really fun to go through the process and see myself gradually change and become more confidant and more competent. I went through a little bit of a rough stretch the last 2 weeks though. I had 14 days straight without a day off and that got a little tiring...we also had a REALLY bad call night where I barely sat down all night (lots of preemies in the nursery acting up with their breathing, sugars, temps, etc). Call last night was great though and I got lots of sleep...I'm enjoying my lovely Monday morning at home :-) It sounds like a bad schedule, but even though I averaged 90 hr work weeks for the last two weeks, I am so energized when I'm at work and enjoy it to the point where I lose track of time and it amazes me that it's been so long! I have the cutest little patients in the world, and if anyone every wants to laugh or cry really hard, I will tell you about some of them and the adorable and poignant things that they do and say.

Jonathan is doing really well! He's in his last week of Internal Medicine and finishing up at the VA on Thursday. We are SO EXCITED because he will take his test Friday AM and I will be post call so we will be done together at noon Friday and not have to go back to work until MONDAY! We are planning quite the weekend of fun and relaxation to say the least :-) (with some family visiting squeezed in!) Next month Jonathan is doing surgery (Sept. Urology and ENT and Oct. General VA). I'm doing 4C which is general wards and one of the harder months as an intern. We'll see how having super-duper busy schedules during the same month works out :-)

In other news, the Shih Tzus are doing well. Esteban had a foot injury about a week ago. While tussling with Stanley, he hurt his paw and it had to be repaired by his vet under sedation. He was so cute with his little cast (I'll post a picture later), but now it's off and he's almost back to normal. He was SO incredibly funny when on his pain meds...he was acting like a complete nut!!! I've never seen him so happy :-)))

Please call or email us...we're so sorry that we've been so bad at keeping in touch with everyone, but we love you all and miss you so much!!!! It would be great to hear from our favorite peeps ;-)

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