Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Indiana and start of Intern year

So we went to my cousin John's wedding this past weekend in Indianapolis. It was FABULOUS!!!! Not only do I love my new cousin Jenn (way to go John! Such a beautiful, bright, and all-round wonderful person), but the wedding itself was amazing. It was probably the most meaningful and touching ceremony I've ever attended. The reception was so lovely with great food and lots of fun dancing the night away. Thank you guys so much for such a great time!!!! Best wishes for a long, happy life together.

In other news, I started my orientation today for residency. We're almost done with Neonatal Recusitation. It's pretty scary actually. Seeing a video of an actual 23 wk old baby was a little bit shocking and really hope not to have to resucitate super premature babies right away! I'll be really happy with nice fat, juicy, 38 weekers :-)

I STILL haven't gotten the third set of our Hawaii pics up yet, but I'll work on that this week and post them.

We hope everyone is doing really well and having a great summer!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.