Papa Ru is soooooooo comfortable and cuddly!
We bought George's first pumpkin, but the choice ones were already gone and this one is a little lopsided, Haha :)
He was NOT into taking all these silly pictures.
"I'm kind of bored Mama!"
"Ok fine, I'll be a good boy and pose"
Next year we will have so much fun decorating our pumpkin :)
I am SO in love with this little guy!
After we made dinner, George put on his adorable cow costume!
At least all the adults thought it was adorable....George was pretty non-plused :)
Such a sweet little cow George, Ha!
Marion's and my favorite part was the little tail....SO hilarious!
I also loved the little hooves.
Aunt Emily came to visit and help George pass out candy to all the kids. (Uncle James was there too, but I took all the pics of him on his phone...booo!)
Our little cow looooves drinking his milk!
The puppies enjoyed getting into the spirit. Esteban was a shark and Pippi Amanda was a pumpkin (she wanted to be a chicken, but she chewed her chicken hat!)
Poor Jonathan had a looooong day, but got home in time for dinner. I made blackeyed peas, corn bread, fried chicken, caramel apple pie, and gingerbread cookies, yummy!!
George had so much fun seeing all the other little trick-or-treaters.
I didn't take their pictures though because I didn't think parents would like that very much.
That's ok though, George was so cute and provided more than enough fodder for pictures :) STILL in love with the little tail!
By the end of the evening, baby George was POOPED out! (In more ways than one, and Jonathan got to deal with that part :)
He can't WAIT for next year and will probably have a little more imput in his costume....maybe.
Mommy had SO much fun dressing you up this year little man! We can't wait for many more fun, candy and costume-filled evenings to come.